Saturday, October 28, 2017

2017-10-28 (Lookin' Out My Back Door - Credence Clearwater Revival)

I was disappointed to read that John Fogerty didn't write this song about an acid trip. Understandably, he used dreamy imagery to appeal to his then 3 yr old son. Does it matter what he meant? 

The first time I remember having some semblance of real independence in life was when my friends got their driver's licences. And, the summer after my sophomore year, it became incredibly easy for us to gather - here and there. I remember falling into a pretty sublime routine that summer. My Dad would leave for work around 1:00 and my Mom would get home around 4:15. I called that unsupervised time "Happy Hour" at our swimming pool. Many friends had a standing invitation, but the regulars were the Cecil twins, Jared Hayes, Nevin Goeble, with the occasional showing from the Becky/Alana/Michelle crew, Cliff Stewart or John Shearer. It would usually look like the Cecils showing up with 8-15 warm Budwisers. We would get them on ice, give them a spin and start cracking them open. The guys might have to help me finish up my chores -- suckering tomato plants or mowing the yard. Then, a dip in the pool and it was time to get out of there. Nevin ('s Dad) had a pontoon boat docked on the Kentucky River, down on 4-mile. If we had money to gas it up, we might take it out for an hour or two, and then onto whatever summer nights in Funchester might bring -- cruising "The Pig", a pool party at "Breakers", or heading out to the country to raise a little hell. 

The soundtrack of that summer was long and varied but probably due to Tom Cecil's influence, early Who and CCR "Chronicle" dominated the air waves during "Happy Hour". 

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